

    The 500th anniversary of the establishment of Guyi Garden, five lectures will take you back to the gardens and literati world in the south of the Yangtze River

    2022 marks the 500th anniversary of the establishment of Shanghai Guyi Garden. "Zhan Pi Qi Ao, green bamboo Yi Yi." This poem in "Book of Songs Wei Feng" is the origin of the name of this Ming Dynasty garden. For 500 years, this famous garden in the south of the Yangtze River has green bamboo, and the poetry and history belonging to the south of the Yangtze River flowed in it.
    From May 1st to 5th, Shanghai Arts and Crafts Vocational College, together with Guyi Garden, invited experts and scholars in the field of Jiangnan garden culture to give a series of lectures on five Jiangnan culture forums, leading readers to re-read the past and present of Guyi Garden online and travel around Jiangnan. The couplets in the garden, poems, myths and legends, the beauty of "landscape", landscape culture, architectural culture, plant culture, experience the beauty of nature and humanities in the Jiangnan region, and let Jiangnan culture nourish the soul and lead life. In the first lecture, Hu Jianjun brought "Classical Poetry and Jiangnan Literati Life".

    In the first lecture, Hu Jianjun brought "Classical Poetry and Jiangnan Literati Life".

    The first lecture was given by Hu Jianjun, associate professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University and executive director of Shanghai Poetry Society. She started from the origin of the name of Guyi Garden, and talked about "Classical Poetry and the Life of Literati in Jiangnan".
    Founded in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty, Guyi Garden has experienced 500 years of wind and frost. As one of the five major classical gardens in Shanghai, Guyi Garden is deeply immersed in the connotation of Chinese culture, and also comprehensively reflects ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts, The art of gardening.
    Hu Jianjun started from the name of Guyi Garden. The first owner of the garden here was Hui Ji's surname Min. Because he lived here, he took the poem of Xu Fu of the Song Dynasty, "In the past, I was a guest in the county, and I once lived by the water. The meaning in the garden was named "borrowing garden".
    In the late Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the borrowed garden experienced three owners, the third named Min Shiji, who was Henan Tongju at that time. "Like Su Dongpo, he could not live without bamboo, so he used bamboo as a metaphor, and invited Zhu Sansong, a bamboo master from the 'Jiading School', to design and supervise the construction for him. The garden design was carried out in the context of Bai Juyi's "Chi Shang Chapter", the so-called 'ten mu' The house is a five-acre garden with water, a pool, and a thousand bamboo poles. It is conceivable that there are thousands of bamboo poles in the garden.” Hu Jianjun said that after Min Shiji’s construction during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Gu Yi The garden was officially completed. Min Shiji took a sentence from "Book of Songs", "Zhan Pi Qi Ao, green bamboo Yi Yi. There are bandit gentlemen, such as cutting as sparring, as cutting as grinding", set the name "Yiyuan", and set the scenery with bamboo. .
    "Yiyuan" has multiple meanings in choosing the name of this poem. Hu Jianjun came one by one: "'Zhan' means far-sighted, because Min Shiji was a judge in Henan, and the 'Qi Shui' in the "Book of Songs" originated from Lin County, Henan, and has commemorative significance for him;' Ao' is the place where the water's edge bends; 'YiYi' communicates with 'Yi' and 'Yi', and looks like they rely on each other. There are also explanations that it reads 'ē', which is long and beautiful. I think 'Green Bamboo Yiyi' is still It is more in line with this situation; 'Bandit' communicates with 'Fei', which has the appearance of literary grace; 'cutting', 'learning', 'cutting' and 'grinding' are all jade processing and reprocessing techniques, which also refer to the Studying the aspects of learning, morality, and character, it will have the meaning of Bide, not only to describe the appearance, but also to describe the inner temperament."
    In the eleventh year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, Ye Jinjing, a man from Dongting Mountain, purchased the "Yi Garden" and expanded the foundation. , so the name of "Guyi Garden" was settled in the eleventh year of Qianlong.
    In the fifty-third year of Qianlong's reign, local people in Jiading raised the Guyi Garden for the State City God Temple as a spiritual garden. "Generally, the function of a release pool is strengthened in the temple, so three points of water are added to 'Yi', and it is written as 'Guyi Garden'. This is also the reason why people confuse the name of Guyi Garden in the later period. "Added three points of water" "Yi" also has the temperament of the ancient Yiyuan. "With water, a place will have aura through it, so the literati enjoys both the mountains and the water. There is a couplet in the ancient Yiyuan, "a pavilion overlooks the flowing water, and ten thousand bamboos lead to the breeze", I think this couplet has the temperament of Guyi Garden very much." In 1978, Guyi Garden returned to its old name.
    The important buildings in Guyi Garden also have allusions. The name of the boat-shaped building facing the water "not tied to the boat" is taken from "the boat that is not tied to the boat" in "Zhuangzi Lie Yukou". On the boat, there is a couplet written by Liao Shoufeng, a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, "It is very spring water than the shadow of the eaves, and the lotus flower is fragrant in seven miles", which reminds people of "the spring waves under the sad bridge are green, and it was once the shadow of the sky." There is a pair of couplets in "Nanting", which was made by Ye Changchun in the Qing Dynasty. "The first sentence has the situation of 'the moonlight is like water and water like the sky', and the latter reminds me of 'the bright moon rises out of the Tianshan Mountains and the vast sea of clouds'."
    From poetry to human life, in Jiangnan gardens, the ancients lived a poetic life. Engaged in poetry creation all the year round, Hu Jianjun also met a group of literati, trying to reproduce the once elegant collection of literati in contemporary times. She and her friend and glass artist Wang Qin have a "Gu Yi Garden". Usually they belong to the relationship of "a gentleman's friendship is like water", they rarely meet, and they don't have much contact, but every year on the day of heavy snow, they have to meet in Guyi Garden to make their own works and write their own poems. Hu Jianjun believes that to this day, people can still regain the mood and life of Jiangnan literati in gardens.
    On that day, the online lecture basically maintained a "full" state of 500 people. Everyone follows Professor Hu Jianjun to experience the beauty of gardens online and appreciate the life of ancient literati. It is reported that from the 1st to the 5th, a total of 5 lectures were held online. From May 1st to 5th, 5 lectures will be held online.

    From May 1st to 5th, 5 lectures will be held online.

    From the perspective of garden construction, Zhu Yuhui, a master tutor of Tongji University and executive director of the History Branch of the Architectural Society of China, brought "Green Bamboo Yiyi, Mingyuan Siyi - From Ancient Yiyuan to Jiangnan Mingyuan", from Nanjing Zhanyuan, Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden (Central), Yipu to Shanghai Guyi Garden, Qiuxia Garden...Let everyone appreciate the style of Mingfeng Gardens in Jiangnan, and feel the peak era of gardening that is as beautiful as Ming-style furniture and has passed away like the wind .
    Whether in painting or garden, landscape imagery has become an inevitable aesthetic theme. Li Hui, a master director of China Academy of Art and a national first-class registered architect, will talk about "Shanshui in Jiangnan Gardens", trace the ontological characteristics of natural landscapes, explore the literati's thirst for mountains, forests and rivers, so as to analyze the landscapes in the construction of Jiangnan gardens Ingenious, revealing the deep aesthetic meaning.
    Jiangnan gardens are beautiful in the scenery and even more beautiful in the artistic conception. Cao Lindi, a professor and doctoral supervisor of Soochow University, will bring "On the Beauty of "Scenery" of Jiangnan Gardens, introducing the specific connotation of the "landscape" of Jiangnan gardens. The charm of culture.
    "Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world" has won world acclaim for the classical gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, and the garden plants in them are indispensable. Luo Zhenwei, associate professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, will give a lecture "Understanding Traditional Garden Plants in Jiangnan Gardens", providing a plant perspective for tasting Jiangnan gardens.
    According to Zhang Lili, vice president and professor of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts, in 2021, Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts and Guyi Garden will reach a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly promote the theme function expansion of Shanghai parks. Park characteristics, extract typical elements for exploration and development of intangible cultural heritage, and turn Guyi Garden into an intangible cultural heritage theme park to further meet people's yearning for a better life and demand for a richer and more diverse park culture, while promoting park culture. The building of the brand, the innovation of the park compound function model, and the construction of a park city system integrating "Park+" and "+Park". This "Jiangnan Culture Forum" is part of the project. In the second half of the year, Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts and Guyi Garden will also launch a series of intangible cultural heritage theme park activities to provide citizens and tourists with rich spiritual and cultural enjoyment and jointly create the beauty of Yi gardening.


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