

    Forum|Sanlian·Xinzhi Conference: Why do we say "agriculture is the foundation of the state"

    On the afternoon of April 30, the second forum of the fourth season "Sanlian·Xinzhi Conference" "Agriculture is the foundation of the state: Ten thousand years of Chinese agriculture" was held online.
    The forum was chaired by Zhou Feizhou, a professor at the Department of Sociology, Peking University, Han Maoli, a professor at the School of Urban and Environment, and the Research Center for Historical Geography, Peking University, Tang Xiaofeng, a professor at the School of Urban and Environment, Peking University, Chen Shengqian, a professor at the Department of Archaeology and Museology, School of History, Renmin University of China, and a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zeng Xiongsheng, a doctoral supervisor of the Institute of History of Science, and five scholars shared the words "agriculture is the foundation of the state".
    There are many important nodes in the history of human evolution, and the invention of agriculture is undoubtedly the most important one. The reason why human society and the earth's environment have today's appearance is closely related to the invention of agriculture. Why did our ancestors give up hunting and gathering in the first place and choose to farm for a living?
    Agriculture is China's greatest gift to the world. Since the Neolithic Age, agriculture has become the foundation for the sustainable development of Chinese culture, and it is also one of the main mysteries of the immortality of Chinese civilization. Differences in natural geographical conditions did not isolate each region as an isolated individual, but in the process of agricultural development, it gradually moved out of the stage of island-like farming areas and expanded to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, mountains, hills, forests and deserts outside the Yangtze River Basin. , so that the north and south of the great river are connected together. At the same time, an isoline of 400 mm of annual rainfall makes the eastern and western parts of China show the characteristics of long-term coexistence of farming and nomadism.
    With the improvement of agricultural technology and the development of international grain trade, more and more people are no longer directly dealing with nature, but food issues are still the lifeblood of the country. Traditional farming methods not only support traditional agricultural civilization, but also It also brings reflections on modern technology and the relationship between man and nature. More and more sociologists are actively participating in the research and discussion of agricultural transformation issues, advancing agricultural research into the fields of social structure and cultural ethics with rich connotations. Scholar


    Where is agriculture going? It is related to the fate of everyone in the future. Han Maoli, Tang Xiaofeng, Chen Shengqian, Zhou Feizhou, Zeng Xiongsheng, five scholars from different fields such as history, archaeology, and sociology, brought their long-term thinking and practice to discuss the past, present and future of Chinese agriculture.
    "The seeds are buried in the soil, for the fruit of the next generation"
    Zhou Feizhou said in his opening remarks that if human civilization and human society are regarded as a large organism, agriculture is in charge of physical health, so it is the foundation. The ancient Chinese saying is "the people are the foundation of the state", and the reason why it is called "agriculture is the foundation of the state" is because the people regard food as the sky, so "agriculture is the foundation of the state". The reason why the subtitle is called "10,000 Years of Chinese Agriculture", "Let's take a long-term perspective, don't be immersed in a short-term situation, the industrial society is more than 200 years old, the information society is less than 50 years old, and the digital society is less than 10 years old. , but agriculture is ten thousand years."
    "When it comes to the meaning of agriculture, Mr. Fei Xiaotong once used the evolutionary word 'survival of the fittest' (to describe), which we translated as 'adaptation'. Mr. Pan Guangdan wrote an article in the Republic of China, saying that this word was not translated well , he always wanted to replace it with the Chinese term 'weiyu', which is the 'heaven and the position of the universe' in "The Doctrine of the Mean". What is the difference between 'weiyu' and 'adaptation'? The former emphasizes the subjectivity behind it, The latter emphasizes more on external conditions. In fact, 'weiyu' means that the external conditions are completely absorbed by me, and it is the condition for my growth, not that I constantly adapt to the society, no matter what I have become. Mr. Pan's words reflect the profound and long-standing cultural characteristics of China's agricultural society."
    China is an agricultural society, which is a consensus shared by everyone. The origin of agriculture is very early, and agriculture has never been interrupted. Mr. Fei Xiaotong once put forward a view that the Chinese nation is pluralistic and integrated, and Chinese civilization has continued and continuously integrated with the surrounding ethnic groups. "Integration, a particularly important sign is focused on agriculture, so that agriculture has become a gene in the bones of the Chinese people, and they want to grow things wherever they go. When the Chinese go to Siberia, they also need to sow some seeds. Is it possible to grow crops?"
    "China's political governance does not advocate severe punishments and laws, but education. Therefore, it was the first to invent a perfect examination system. In the history of civilization, examinations were the first to realize the mobility and advancement of social classes. Zhou Feizhou thinks that when it comes to agriculture nowadays, it seems to be a sign of backwardness, "but I think that the culture of nurturing, the spirit of nurturing is to cultivate the goodness of human nature, and it is a particularly important feature of our civilization, and This culture endows every Chinese with a particularly strong resilience. This is also the characteristic of agricultural civilization. This resilience is not only for oneself, but for the next generation - burying the seeds in the soil for the fruits of the next generation. " "Pick up a bowl of rice, the earliest domestication was in China"
    The title of Han Maoli's speech is "Agriculture is the foundation of the state: Ten thousand years of Chinese agriculture". She joked that this year, she found that many of her friends' daily discourses, from the original themes, such as real estate, luxury cars, famous bags, etc., to more More and more people are turning to food and vegetables. "Many people said that we finally realized that as long as we have food and vegetables in our hands, the family is the greatest happiness."
    She said that before the origin of agriculture, human beings have been based on the earth for more than two million years. "During this period, human beings completed the transformation process from apes to humans, but how to make themselves continue to survive and reproduce? The archaeological community gives The answer is fishing, hunting and gathering. This method is similar to animals, so academics call this method of obtaining food a 'utilization economy'."
    "But these 10,000 years have been different. The archaeological community has divided this 10,000-year period into 'Paleolithic' and 'Neolithic'. 'Production economy'. Archaeologist Will Gordon Child told us that this era can be called the 'Neolithic Revolution', the so-called revolution is the emergence of agriculture. Why there is such a switch, the mainstream The view is that it is 'population pressure' - the population is constantly growing, and it is difficult to make a living only by fishing, hunting and gathering. The economy, which is also agriculture, was born," Han Maoli said.
    "We can see on the map that the world's three earliest agricultural origins: the first is in West Asia and North Africa, where wild wheat was domesticated into artificially cultivated wheat about 10,000 years ago; the second is in China, also about 10,000 years ago. Ten thousand years ago, wild plants were domesticated into millet and millet in northern China, and wild rice was domesticated into artificially cultivated rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south, including the Qiantang River basin; , extending south from Mexico in North America to the Andes Mountains in South America, wild plants were domesticated into corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., about 7,000 years ago."
    From this, Han Maoli asked, why is the world so big, and the sites of early agricultural domestication appeared on such a few pieces of land? Her point of view is that the origin of agriculture is not in the regions of the world with relatively abundant natural resources, but in an environment similar to that of harshness, "but within a small area, there are rivers, irrigation, and agriculture can be developed. This is why agriculture appeared in the Tigris River, Euphrates River, Nile River, including the Yellow River Basin in China. Ancient agricultural countries and ancient civilizations appeared after the domestication of agriculture... Before the "Four Great Inventions", the Chinese gave the world's largest The gift of agriculture is agriculture. Our ancients have said it long ago, 'Food is the sky of the people'."
    "Nowadays, when we go to any corner of the world, as long as we carry a bowl of rice, the earliest domestication was in China. Of course, China gave the world not only the domesticated rice from the southern land, but also the millet from the north. What about millet, this is dryland agriculture." Han Maoli went on to say that on the same land, the time difference between crops can be used to realize 'crop rotation and multiple cropping', "This can almost be called in the agricultural society stage, what the Chinese did Another contribution."
    "Because two crops can be grown on one piece of land in one year, everyone has heard of a historical proposition, the southward relocation of China's ancient economic center. What does moving southward mean? On the land in the south of the Yangtze River, historical documents tell us that the earliest practice here Fire ploughing and water planting—half of the land is in use, half of the land grows grass, and the next year's grass-growing land becomes fertile after being burned, and the other half of the land continues to grow grass and fallow, so the land utilization rate reaches 50%. Since the 1990s, the number of immigrants has increased, so the land utilization rate has become 100%, and artificial fertilization is added on the land. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the economic center of ancient China was completely moved to the land in the south of the Yangtze River, and the land utilization rate of that land was 200%. , that is to say, harvest twice a year. Why moved south to Jiangnan? Does Jiangnan refer to the south of all the big rivers? No, only in the Yangtze River Delta region of Taihu Plain, because two crops a year require a lot of labor, late rice Fertile land is needed. Therefore, the Taihu Plain is the most economically developed area among the ancients, calling it the economic center of gravity, which can also be understood as the era with the highest GDP.”
    In Han Maoli's view, the Chinese "almost always stand at the top of the pyramid of the times" on the issue of agriculture, or in other words, when the world is in the stage of agricultural social development. "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility"
    In his speech, Professor Chen Shengqian of the Department of Archaeology, Culture and Museology, School of History, Renmin University of China, said with a smile that he wanted to provide some condiments for the feast of the forum, "I will talk about 'chili noodles'. Jared Diamond ("Guns, Germs") and Steel: The Destiny of Human Society) has a view that agriculture may be the biggest blunder in the history of human evolution.”
    “From the point of view of the relationship between people, agriculture has brought social differentiation, and it has brought about the exploitation and control of some people over others. And because of agricultural production, a lot of forests have been cut down, swamps have been drained, and a lot of land has been It has become agricultural land, and the human ecological landscape has undergone tremendous changes. Diamond particularly emphasized that there are two negative impacts of agriculture: the first is the waste of resources-this is from two aspects, on the one hand, agriculture requires a lot of reserves , and it is difficult to grasp the amount of reserves; after social division, 'the wine and meat of Zhumen stink, the road is frozen to death', some people waste a lot, and some people have nothing to eat; secondly, the development of agriculture has brought war. , This is mainly related to the formation of the country and to the differentiation of hierarchies. The large-scale wars we have seen in history, the fighting on the scale of hundreds of thousands of people, are only in the agricultural era. The population in the hunter-gatherer era was very small and insufficient. for a large-scale war." Chen Shengqian

    Chen Shengqian

    Chen Shengqian is mainly engaged in Paleolithic archaeology. In his view, the hunter-gatherer era lasted for millions of years—many of today’s living habits, dietary structures, including kinship, were established during the hunter-gatherer era. "It was primitive communism at that time, all food was shared, and there was no hierarchy. It seemed to be a particularly beautiful era. But production was limited, and the population that could be supported was bound to be limited. And the population density that agriculture can support It is 20 to 30 times that of hunter-gatherer groups. When the population density reaches a certain level, information processing and stratification will be involved, and symbols will begin to appear. Symbolization is related to text, and there needs to be a social division of labor. , making stone tools, and correspondingly, the domination of power began to rise. Domination of power did not entirely originate in agricultural society, but agricultural society institutionalized it and made it violent. This is what we are talking about. The origin of civilization.”
    Diamond believes that agriculture is the biggest crisis in human evolution. Chen Shengqian said that he does not agree with this sentence. "Because agriculture has brought great development to our society, agriculture has released the creativity of human beings. In fact, every time human beings evolve, their capabilities are magnified. When we have such a strong ability, especially now we can destroy human beings themselves. Hundreds of times, when the environment can be easily changed, what should we do at this time? That’s why I use a word called walking on thin ice. Because the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility.”
    Concerned about the impact of agriculture on Chinese civilization
    Tang Xiaofeng recalled in his speech that he had a very slogan-style understanding of agriculture in his youth, "Farmers are the foundation". "In the 1950s and 1960s, agriculture was the foundation of the social economy, and it actually had a larger historical foundation, in fact, the foundation of civilization. But on the one hand, we called agriculture the foundation, but we felt that agriculture was backward and rural life was very poor. It is very hard, so everyone has a concept that agriculture is a very hard labor industry with very low efficiency, so a large number of people are pressed on agricultural production. When it comes to rural areas, it seems to be a symbol of 'hardship'." Tang Xiaofeng

    Tang Xiaofeng

    For example, Tang Xiaofeng said that many social changes related to agriculture in ancient China were to solve the problem of big landlords, "Let's recall how many bad landlords we have created, Zhou Papi, Huang Shiren, Nan Batian, and Hu Hansan are all landlords. Have the writers created a model of a bad guy in the city? I want to come up with a Ximen Qing, but he is not a class type, he is a hooligan type. With a class type, most of the representatives of social problems are in the countryside." He then elaborated on the public mind "Even though the countryside is very hard, there is a representative of a noble quality - physically hard, but spiritually noble. I used to be such a re-educated person. Not only was I educated, but I also joined The ranks of the peasants and the captain of the production team."
    Zeng Xiongsheng said in his speech that he paid more attention to the impact of agriculture on Chinese civilization, "First of all, I would like to quote a sentence in "The Spring and Autumn Period of the Lv's Family": 'Husband crops are made by people; Zhetian also. 'We can completely follow the ancients' definition of agriculture and discover the relationship between man, nature and heaven and earth through 'crops'. Japanese anthropologists have a saying, 'The type of staple food often determines the cultivation of this crop The fate of the people.' The Chinese say, 'One side of the water and soil raises the other side.' There is a similar saying in the West, 'We are what we eat.' The meaning is similar."
    Zeng Xiongsheng recalled that in 1910, there was a wave of rice grabbing in Changsha. In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out and overthrew the Qing Dynasty. In 1917, Mao Zedong wrote in the "Xiangjiang Review", "What is the biggest problem in the world? The biggest problem is eating."
    Zeng Xiongsheng believes that although China's agriculture is very developed and has made great achievements, we still have not completely solved the problem of food today. "In addition, China's agriculture is also facing the problem of changing demand. Economic development has solved the problem of food and clothing. After eating, more people want to eat well, and the quality requirements are also increasing. While we are arming agriculture with modern science and technology, we must also Carrying out a 'white revolution' - Chinese traditional agriculture is mainly based on planting, and in the future, there will be a certain amount of animal protein in it, such as milk, and the development of animal husbandry is also the direction that China's agriculture needs to develop."


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