

    Fan Ye & Liang Yongan: Why Fantasy Literature Has Healing Power

    Recently, a "Healing Power of Fantasy Literature" in the series of live-streaming activities of "Reading Scenes Happens" was held online. Fan Ye, a teacher of the Spanish-Portuguese Department of Peking University, and Liang Yongan, a professor of the Chinese Department of Fudan University, discussed the genre of fantasy literature. Rich in meaning, and in the current mechanical "performance society", people's imagination of literature, the ability to understand life and nature and other topics were shared. online conversation

    online conversation

    Fantasy Literature: Night Ships on the Vast Sea
    Although the title is "The Healing Power of Fantasy Literature", Fan Ye quoted Peruvian writer Llosa's point of view that "literature stems from dissatisfaction", and believes that literature can be both healing and depressing. When we are very satisfied with reality, there is no need for any illusions, just as the prosperous articles in history always appear mediocre because of their praise. It is only when people are in a situation that is not going well that they can mobilize their rich imagination. Although the writers of the past generations may have started writing because they were in a state of depression that could not be relieved, the fictional world or the exploration of truth, beautiful imagination or complex reality presented in literature all bring comfort to people in different ways. and healing.
    Entering the discussion of "fantasy literature", Liang Yongan believes that in the highly organized modern life, everything is performance-oriented, rationalized, and analyzable, but is this world real? Perhaps it is actually organized by accident and without any logic. Recognizing this, we will gain a freer perspective of observation. Liang Yongan

    Liang Yongan

    Liang Yongan entered from one of his own life scenes to describe what fantasy literature is: "When I was living in Japan, I often took a boat from Shanghai to Kobe, and I often stood on the deck in the middle of the night and looked at the sky. It is said that in the middle of the night, because the surrounding The vast darkness, the ship is a lonely center on the sea, as if to sink deep into the sea. The stars in the sky all hang down brightly, and there are countless lives surging beneath the sea."
    And fantasy literature is exactly what this scene is metaphor for - it is like a ship in the vast sea, everything around it is alienated, the world returns to its original appearance, and now we can just re-watch and imagine the world well , opening an infinity. Fan Ye

    Fan Ye

    Countless possibilities of vitality
    How are our fantasies lost? Fan Ye believes that the primary group of human beings is within the family, and the secondary group is the establishment of social relations. After the establishment of social relations, we constantly revise and correct ourselves in society, give ourselves a norm, and finally establish our own way of thinking. And once a certain way of thinking is fixed, we will not be able to think of the countless possibilities in life, and will only stop in the planning and imagination of one or several kinds of life, and the fantasy power will be lost.
    Magical realism in the field of Latin American literature is very attractive and influential to the Chinese, "It is precisely because in China, realism is too powerful, it has a self-evident mainstream status. When we add reality after The word "magic" will have a vaguely subversive pleasure. Reality is not justified, it may also be constructed and disciplined. For example, do you think Kafka is realist? He is very realist, and at the same time he It is also very experimental and very imaginative." Fan Ye said.
    Liang Yongan believes that the relationship between literature and reality is not a rigid and rigid correspondence. "Marquez said in an interview with the Paris Review that something in the forest will eventually turn into a yellow butterfly, and there are flying carpets in the forest. , for them this is reality. So what is reality, it will be very different in different nations, different cultures, and different spiritual fields. Because our country is an agricultural nation, it has a lot to gain. The causal logic of melons and sowing beans yields beans, and a logic of immediacy and correspondence is derived.”
    "This kind of directness is presented in our way of thinking, which is a kind of utilitarian logic. People always feel that they need to make a statement, make a virtue, and make a contribution, otherwise they will be very anxious, and it is difficult for people to immerse themselves in fantasy. Self-identification to affirm one's own life. But we still have a kind of imagination from the inside out when we roam in this world." Liang Yongan said.
    Time Bear, Mirror Tiger and Invisible Kitten: Fantasy Literature in Practice
    Fan Ye's latest publication "Time Bear, Mirror Tiger and Invisible Kitten" is his answer to what is fantasy literature.
    In the book, Fan Ye imagined more than 40 kinds of strange animals such as bench tigers, weather bathing leopards, time bears, and volcano rabbits. Going to see Bing's back - and writing "One Hundred Years of Solitude", Fan Ye also wrote these stories about animals because of the pictures he accidentally saw many years ago. book shadow

    book shadow

    "Eighteen years ago, at the Mexican zoo, I saw little rabbits by the grass that seemed to stop at their place at a certain distance according to a certain pattern, without greeting each other, but there seemed to be a magical tacit understanding. The picture left a deep impression on me, I thought, will there be some stories among these rabbits that we don't know? Therefore, I wrote the story of "Volcano Rabbit"." Fan Ye said.
    Regarding animals, Liang Yongan recalled that when he was working in Yunnan, he found that Yunnan bears were stupid. They went to the hillside to break corn to eat, and when they were full, they leaned against trees to sleep. Turning a blind eye, "Human and nature have always been such a harmonious relationship of forgetting each other. But why did the bear become wary of people later, because the local hunter took more than a dozen dogs to hunt the bear, and the bear returned after being shot. Not dying, showing strong anger, it didn't really die until the next day. In this way, the relationship between people and bears became very tense. I saw a Dai market selling bears in Yunnan, and the bears cost 8 yuan each. , they will be killed when they grow up. So I think many expressions we give to bears now, such as bear hugs, such as thinking bears are cute, are psychological compensations.”
    "Time Bear, Mirror Tiger and Invisible Kitten" is also a kind of reconciliation and a kind of psychological compensation for humans and animals. Fan Ye projects the loneliness, sadness, tenderness... Weird animals, such as time bears, halo dream foxes, volcano rabbits, glass mammoths, weather bathing leopards, etc., look innocent and cute, but they are not all beautiful stories. For example, the story of "photographing a tiger" originated from a zoo pulling out the tiger's teeth and claws in order to allow the tiger to take a photo with people. This story made Fan Ye feel very sad.
    Fan Ye mentioned that fantasy literature is actually believing that all things have animism, and using fantasy to open up life. "The world is not a story that can be summed up. For example, the tortoise and the hare race, we always simplify it to a story that tells us that pride leads to failure. But I think the tortoise and the hare can be told in fifty ways. For example, the hare and the tortoise are Good friend, the rabbit deliberately pretended to be asleep, and pretended to chase after seeing the tortoise overtaking him, and finally let the tortoise win a very exciting victory; it could also be that the tortoise knew that he could not defeat the rabbit, so he used some resourcefulness, such as getting the rabbit drunk Wait, you can imagine the story infinitely."
    Liang Yongan said that in modern life, we can keep opening ourselves up, we can establish new connections and imaginations with things in the world that we have not yet understood, and we can always be children; but also because the things we face are too complicated, We have lost the simple, pure world. "We should keep the curiosity and all kinds of childlike innocence that children have when they face the world, and don't be disciplined easily. Of course, adults will not be completely children. After a lot of experience, adults have a look back on life. There will be more tension. Therefore, life should have a sense of speed, and the power of free unfolding in the intersection of wind and nature."


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