

    Shanghai Federation of Socialist Associations held the first annual forum for presidents to talk about the high-quality development of Shanghai

    On July 28, the first forum of the 2022 Shanghai Council of Social Affairs was held in Shanghai with the theme of "High-quality Development, High-Quality Life, and High-Efficiency Governance - Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Municipality". More than 1,000 people, including heads of academic organizations affiliated to the Federation of Social Sciences and representatives of party members and cadres, participated in the event through a combination of online and offline methods. In his speech, Wang Weisong, secretary of the Shanghai Federation of Socialist Party Group and full-time vice chairman, said that we should thoroughly study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the seminar for key leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels, and earnestly study and implement the 12th Party Congress of the city. In the face of the changes of the world, the times, and the history, how to scientifically answer the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times, the social science community in Shanghai should take the lead and set an example and play a "think tank". Mission" and "think tank" role. Academic groups should actively play the role of the party's working group, implement the spirit of the general secretary's series of important speeches and the spirit of the city's 12th party congress into the party building and daily work of academic groups, and unite experts and scholars to carry out theoretical research and work. Propaganda and interpretation will contribute the wisdom and strength of Shanghai's social science community to accelerating Shanghai's construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence.
    The forum invited Vice President of Shanghai Economic Society, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Chen Xinkang, President of Shanghai Marketing Society and Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Ding Jinhong, President of Shanghai Population Society and Director of Population Institute of East China Normal University, Wang Jianhua, President of the Shanghai Association for Letters and Calls and Director of the Municipal Office of Letters and Calls, focused on "improving the city's core energy level and global influence, and accelerating the realization of high-quality development", "Shanghai's high-quality life and the construction of an international consumption center city", and "the integration background of the Yangtze River Delta". The Shanghai Population Development Strategy under "Practicing the People's City Concept and Raising the Level of People's Proposal Collection" made a keynote report.
    Weighing said that the party congress will clearly describe Shanghai's future city positioning as "accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence", which is to implement the spirit of the general secretary's instructions on high-quality development of Shanghai and the historic changes in Shanghai's urban development. inevitable choice. To achieve the strategic deployment and goal of high-quality development of the Municipal Party Congress, the focus is to improve the city's core energy level and enhance its global influence. Therefore, Shanghai should closely combine the strengthening of the "four functions" with the deepening of the energy level construction of the "five centers"; accelerate the construction of science and technology innovation centers to improve total factor productivity; accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the docking of science and technology innovation centers to promote service-oriented Integrate and develop with manufacturing; accelerate the development of human capital-intensive service industries, knowledge-intensive and innovative service industries, and improve the energy level and advanced level of the service economy; further optimize the environment for industrial innovation and development, and reduce the cost and burden of production and operation of enterprises, Increase the expected return on investment and further stabilize confidence and market expectations.
    Chen Xinkang believes that the report of the Party Congress so clearly puts forward the viewpoint that "creating a high-quality life is an inevitable requirement to meet the people's yearning for a better life, and is the starting point and foothold of all our work", which has very important practical significance. High quality of life is not only the goal of urban development, but also the cornerstone of sustainable urban development. He further analyzed the composition of material consumption and spiritual consumption of high-quality consumption life. According to its two characteristics, he proposed that Shanghai should further increase the proportion of spiritual consumption in building an international consumption center city, and further promote the integrated development of material consumption and spiritual consumption. , build a high-standard consumer life supply chain, and continue to improve the urban service level of consumer life.
    The balanced development of population has always been a matter of great concern to all sectors of society. Whether it is high-quality development, high-quality life or high-efficiency governance, its starting point and belonging are inseparable from the population issue. Ding Jinhong pointed out that facing the current situation of Shanghai's population such as large population, low birth rate and aging population, and regional imbalance, Shanghai should gradually transform from the "land-transportation" orientation in the period of rapid population growth to the "industry industry" in the period of slowing population growth. "Environment" orientation, give play to the core role of Shanghai's leading role and the radiating role of regional central cities, actively guide the transformation of urban structure, take the Yangtze River Delta region as the space carrier, rationally optimize the layout of Shanghai's urban functions, and promote the population balance of urban agglomerations in the Yangtze River Delta region. Development; use market forces to optimize resource allocation, improve population service and management systems, and promote orderly population flow, rational distribution, and social integration; with environmental carrying capacity as constraints, accelerate the optimization of urban industrial structure, and promote population balance through industrial balance.
    "The governance of megacities must play the main role of the people and create a city where everyone can participate in governance in an orderly manner. It is necessary to insist on asking people's plans, conduct regular visits and research, and build more online and offline public opinion 'through trains', Fully absorb the wisdom of the masses." Wang Jianhua elaborated on the development of the people's proposal collection in recent years, from the perspectives of what the people's proposal collection is, why we should vigorously promote this work, and how to do the people's proposal collection in the construction of the people's city in the new era. stage results and future development directions. The people's suggestion collection work has inherited and carried forward the party's fine tradition of relying closely on the masses, and has become an effective carrier and a good way for the party's mass work. A large number of good suggestions have been transformed into good policies and measures, and many "golden ideas" of the people have yielded "golden fruits" that benefit the people and the people. Wang Jianhua emphasized that the people's proposal collection builds a platform and carrier for the masses to participate in urban governance, collects the wisdom and experience contained in the masses, and makes urban construction and governance a "chorus of all urban subjects".
    The President's Forum is a high-end academic brand event carefully created by the Municipal Federation of Social Affairs to give full play to the advantages of the gathering of famous scholars and talents. It focuses on major themes, academic frontiers, and social hotspots to carry out academic exchanges, decision-making consultation and theoretical presentations, so as to better serve Shanghai High-quality economic and social development.


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